Many organizations are not as interested in what employees "know" as they are in what employees "can do". This is as it should be. Employees who can not apply the knowledge they have in work settings, are far less valuable to organizations than individuals who know what they need to know AND can apply it. Performance improvement is what really matters. This is what Archetype Performance Solutions is all about.

To be most successful, a performance-based learning program should include more than just training. At the very least, it should also include some type of field-based skills verification and perhaps certification. This is how an organization can be confident the training provided the intended outcome. A performance-based learning program will also benefit from some level of structured On-the-Job Training (OJT) and some form of technical coaching. Particular programs could also include other components that are sometimes included in what is referred to as "blended learning".

Competency- and Performance-Based Learning Programs can be provided as a half-day workshop or as two two-hour online workshop sessions. Either way, the workshop will give an overview of what performance-based learning is and things to keep in mind when starting a program. More in-depth workshops are available which detail each stage of designing and developing performance-based learning programs.


Performance-Based Learning Overview


Structured OJT

Technical Coaching

Field-Based Skills Verification

Who Should Attend

This short workshop will be valuable for all Learning and Development personnel and others interested in performance improvement.

Workshop Details


One-half day (or two two-hour online sessions)


Contact us for details. Group discounts available.

Click here to contact Archetype Performance Solutions and schedule Competency- and Performance-Based Training online or onsite at your company.